The 3rd Insolvency and Economic Rehabilitation Law Summer Conference was organized by Shay Milow and Yaniv Insall for the Israel Bar Association. Notable judges, Members of Parliament, The Official Reciever and lawyers attended the 3 day conference. We were deeply pleased that the Honorable Deputy Chief Justice Hanan Melcer and Honorable Madam Justice Prof Daphne Barak- Erez of of the Supreme Court of Israel, and Judge Orenstein, President of the Tel Aviv District Court along with all the honorable judges of the Insolvency Division of the Tel Aviv District Court as well as MK Mr Nissan Slomianski, Chairman of the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee and MK Ms Norit Koren, have agreed to deliver their speeches and take part in our legal panels. More than 250 Israeli lawyers and judges attended at this prestigious conference.
Shay Milow moderated the plennary panel.
Click here to see the Conference’s Program. (in Hebrew)
Click here to read about the conference in The Lawyer Magazine. (in Hebrew)